Abstract: Humans have been using and exploiting ecosystems and their resources for centuries and millennia. We have actively changed our environment, maintaining cultural landscapes, altering and disrupting ecosystem processes, and at times transforming rich and diverse systems into simple production and utility areas – often without considering any side- or after-effects. A strong theme in modern nature conservation and restoration argues in favour of “let nature be nature” approaches, condemning human intervention. On the other hand, nature-centric perspectives create a false dichotomy between humans and the ‘environment’ that often fails to recognize the coupled nature of social-ecological systems. Setting nature apart from society can mask issues of equity and social justice given the manifold needs and demands of human societies for natural resources and other benefits from ecosystem services for their livelihood and wellbeing. Ecosystem Design is a novel approach to (re-)instating ecosystems in degraded habitats that sets targets based on assessments of human requirements (both consumptive and non-consumptive) rather than ecosystem structure – and as such is controversially debated. We will discuss about ecological, societal, ethical, legal and economic aspects, pros and cons, of Ecosystem Design from multi- and interdisciplinary perspectives.
Teilnehmende Studierende aus allen Fachrichtungen sollten ein ausgeprägtes Interesse an kontroversen Diskussionen zum Spannungsfeld zwischen Naturschutz und -nutzung mitbringen. Neben Impulsvorträgen, werden Diskussionen im Plenum und aktive Planungsarbeit in Kleingruppen den Alltag der Akademie prägen.
Prof. Dr. Martin Zimmer, Abteilung Ökologie, Leibniz-Zentrum für Marine Tropenforschung
Dr. Véronique Helfer, Abteilung Ökologie, Leibniz-Zentrum für Marine Tropenforschung
Prof. Dr. Nils Moosdorf, Abteilung Biogeochemie & Geologie, Leibniz-Zentrum für Marine Tropenforschung
Weitere Dozierende:
Prof. Dr. Marie Fujitani, Abteilung Sozialwissenschaften, Leibniz-Zentrum für Marine Tropenforschung
Rebecca Lahl, Büro für Wissensaustausch, Leibniz-Zentrum für Marine Tropenforschung
Dr. Marie Bonnin, IRD, Lemar, IUEM
Koordination: Lydia Tchambaz
Administration: Michelle Hug
Teilnehmende: Interessierte Studierende aller Fächer
Reader: kein Reader – Vorabinformation kann über die bislang recht spärlich vorhandene Literatur zum Thema erfolgen:
Zimmer M. 2018. Ecosystem Design: when mangrove ecology meets human needs. In: Makowski C, Finkl CW (eds). Threats to Mangrove Forests: Hazards, Vulnerability and Management. Springer: 367-376.
Ellison AM, Felson AJ, Friess DA. 2020. Mangrove Rehabilitation and Restoration as Experimental Adaptive Management. Frontiers in Marine Science 7:327 (DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2020.00327)
Arbeitssprache(n): English
Diese Sommerakademie wird mit der Unterstützung der Werner Siemens-Stiftung angeboten.