Samstag, 31. August (Anreisetag) bis Samstag, 7. September 2019 (Abreisetag)
The class will be situated at the crossroad of two modern fields of research: Music cognition and Deep Learning in Artificial Neural Networks.
The field of music cognition has witnessed an enormous growth in recent years. This class will provide a snapshot of some of the main methodologies and approaches involved ranging from music theory, and psychology to computation, all combined to understand the cognitive processes that are the foundation for musical perception and production.
Deep Learning in Artificial Neural Networks has led to a radical change in approaches to Artificial Intelligence and has been successfully applied to fields such as computer vision, language translation, or programs for Chess and Go. We will look at the potential of modeling music with artificial neural networks and how music theoretical and psychological insights can be combined with symbolic and subsymbolic modeling.
The following topics will be covered:
- Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks
- Introduction to the state of the art music theory
- Bridging music theory, psychology and computational modeling
- The fundamental role of implicit knowledge, expectancy and expectancy formation in musical cognition
- Learning and representation of implicit knowledge in Artificial Neural Networks and probabilistic models
- Computer and Music Exercises will complement the class
Arbeitssprachen: Englisch (Deutsch)
– Prof. Dr. Wulfram Gerstner, EPFL
– Prof. Dr. Martin Rohrmeier, EPFL
Teilnehmende: Open to students of all subject areas, but some musical background (score reading or playing an instrument) is required.
Literatur: Huron, D. B. (2006). Sweet anticipation: Music and the psychology of expectation. Cambridge, MA: MIT press.
Koelsch, S. (2012). Brain and music. West Sussex, UK: John Wiley & Sons.
Temperley, D. (2007). Music and probability. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Goodfellow I., Bengio Y., Courville A, (2016), Deep Learning. Cambridge MA: MIT Press
Bemerkung: Prof. Dr Eckart Altenmüller (Musikhochschule Hannover), Gastreferent bei der Akademie «Physiologie der Bewegung», hat angeboten, ein gemeinsames musikalisches Projekt während dieser Woche zu begleiten. Wir wären froh, wenn Sie bei der Anmeldung angeben könnten, ob Sie ein Instrument spielen und es nach Magliaso mitnehmen würden.
Veranstaltungsort: Magliaso (TI)
Koordination: Sarah Beyeler
Administration: Nathalie Ellington
Allgemeine Informationen: → PDF
Diese Sommerakademie wird mit der Unterstützung der Werner Siemens-Stiftung angeboten.