Abstract: Chronic illnesses shape the lives of billions of people worldwide. However, chronic diseases should not merely be understood as individual problems as they are subject to larger societal, political, and structural contexts. These contexts strongly influence the ways in which people with a chronic medical condition are able to live, thrive, and access treatment, care, and support. Through the lens of three exemplary chronic diseases, HIV/Aids, Endometriosis, and Long Covid/Post-Covid Syndrome, in this interdisciplinary summer academy, we want to interrogate the conditions and contexts that enable or hinder chronically ill persons’ participation in everyday life and society more generally.
This summer academy will help students and researchers to develop a better understanding of the structural, societal, political, and gendered embeddedness of chronic illnesses as a global problem. It will provide important insights into the conditions under which health efforts succeed or fail, and shed light on how global inequalities (re)produce health and chronic living.
Presentations on the seminar topic/theory by the seminar leaders and external experts as well as extensive group work will characterize the daily life of the Academy.
Arbeitssprache(n): English
Dr. Anika König, Institut für Sozial-und Kulturanthropologie, Freie Universität Berlin
Dr. Caroline Meier zu Biesen, Global Health Lab, Universität Leipzig
Weitere Dozierende:
Prof. Dr. med. Clarissa Prazeres da Costa, Co-Director of the Center for Global Health, Technische Universität München
Prof. Dr. Nicky Hudson, Centre for Reproduction Research, De Montfort University
N.N., Specialist Long Covid/Post Covid Syndrome
Teilnehmende: Interested students from all disciplines
Reader: Ein Reader wird elektronisch zur Verfügung gestellt
Hudson, Nicky (2021): The missed disease? Endometriosis as an example of ‘undone science’. Reproductive Biomedicine & Society Online. Online: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S240566182100023X
Manderson, L. & A. Wahlberg (2020): Chronic Living in a Communicable World. Medical Anthropology 39 (5). Online: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01459740.2020.1761352
Whyte, Susan (2014): Second chances: Surviving Aids in Uganda. Durham: Duke University Press
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coordination: Lydia Tchambaz
administration: Michelle Hug