Eine spielerische Einführung in die Philosophie Gibt es einen Sinn des Lebens? Wann ist eine Handlung gut? Wo liegen die Grenzen unserer Erkenntnis? Was ist Zeit? Wie entsteht Bewusstsein? Können wir uns frei entscheiden? Einen leichten Zugang zu den großen Fragen der Philosophie bieten Gedankenexperimente. So können wir uns fragen: Wie erlebt eine Fledermaus die → plus…
Archives pour 19.06.2021
Storytelling Camp 2021 with swissnex San Francisco
As down-to-earth, true-to-ourselves Swiss, Americans never cease to surprise us with their presence and attitude. They seem to connect what they do to their personal journey, their background, their purpose, their passion, and weave a powerful story, with one important protagonist: “me”. In Switzerland, modesty is our attitude; we like to stick with the facts → plus…
Werner Siemens Program: Nanomachines and -technology
Have you ever wondered about how the world looks and works on the level of atoms and molecules? Do you know how a transistor works and why the cheapest smartphone of today has 100’000 times more computation power than the computers that helped NASA during the moon landing? How do drugs find their way to → plus…